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Analytics Services

Google Analytics 4 Audit

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At Fiery, we understand that staying ahead in the digital landscape requires precise data and strategic insights. With a proper Google Analytics 4 setup, your business gain unparalleled insights into user behaviour across platforms and devices, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive growth.

That's why we offer a meticulous audit of your GA4 account, providing you with a detailed status report that will empower you to understand what data you already have available and what enhancements are required to leverage every single feature available in the system and unlock the full potential of your business' online presence.

The Process

Intake Questionnaire

Shortly after purchasing your audit, you’ll be emailed a unique link to an intake questionnaire. This form was designed to gather objective information to understand your business goals, the current state of your GA4 account and any challenges you are facing.

Account Access

You will receive instructions on how to provide us with Viewer access to your Google Analytics 4. This will allow us to see all necessary settings and data while not being able to make any direct edits to your account.

It's Audit Time!

Then it is our time to shine! We're gong to get down and dirty reviewing every inch of your GA4 account. Within 14 days of receiving access to GA4 account, you will receive a PDF document with the results of our audit and our detailed recommendations. You will also receive a short video walk-through with screen share, so you can rest assure you will easily understand the most pressing items on your to-do list moving forward.

Audit Report

With the audit in hands, you can set up your schedule to implement our recommendations independently. We are also happy to handle to complete the list of optimizations - just contact us to learn more about this add on.

Let's Do This

Here are some highlights of our GA4 audit:

We will review and validate all account and property settings, including access management, channel grouping, data streams and data collection and filters, custom definitions, and most importantly, how events and conversions have been setup.

What you get

Ensure your GA4 account and events are correctly set up and configured to capture the data that matters most to your business. We will also check your e-commerce set up, cross-domain tracking, and perform a user permissions & security review.

What you don't get

We will not be implementing or acting on any of our recommendations. You will receive our report with a complete list of our findings—if you need implementation help, contact us!

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Consulting Call

Our calls are designed to support your efforts in tracking marketing effectiveness, and gaining comprehensive insights into user behaviour.

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