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Ads Services

Ad Account Audit


Does you advertising account has an untapped potential just waiting to shine? Whether you've worked with an agency in the past, have someone currently managing the account or takes more of a DIY approach whenever you have a campaign to promote, this service will help your account get to the next level!

Our comprehensive audit was designed to enhance your advertising strategy and allow you to unlock the full potential of your Google Ads or Facebook Ads account. Our expert team meticulously analyzes every aspect of your account, identifying inefficiencies, optimization opportunities, and providing invaluable insights and recommendations to fine-tune your campaigns for peak performance.

The Process

Intake Questionnaire

Shortly after purchasing your audit, you’ll be emailed a unique link to an intake questionnaire. This form was designed to gather objective information to understand your business goals, the current state of your ads account and any challenges you faced along the way.

Account Access

You'll receive instructions on how to provide us with the right level of access to your Google Ads or Facebook Ads account to kick off the fine-tuning work.

It's Audit Time!

Within 14 days of receiving access to your desidered account, you will receive a PDF document with the results of our audit and our detailed recommendations. You will also receive a short video walk-through with screen share, so you can rest assure you will easily understand the most pressing items on your to-do list moving forward.


With the audit in hands, you can set up your schedule to implement our recommendations independently. We are also happy to handle to complete the list of optimizations - just contact us to learn more about this add on.

Let's Do This

What we will work on:

Often overlooked, the account settings encompass important configurations and preferences that dictate how your advertising campaigns are managed and displayed. We will review access, permissions, currency, language preferences, ad rotation settings, connected accounts, and more!

We will evaluate how well the ads account is structured, including the organization and naming convention of campaigns, ad groups, ads, and the selected keywords (for Google Ads accounts).

The number one issue across all accounts! We will verify that tracking is properly set up to record valuable actions and events  such as form submissions, purchases, button clicks or phone calls, and check that conversions are being accurately attributed to your ads.

Then it's time to evaluate campaign settings, keyword selection (for Google Ads), extension utilization (for Google Ads), bid strategy and targeting settings to pinpoint areas for optimization, ensuring your advertising endeavours align seamlessly with your goals for maximum effectiveness.

What you get

A thorough evaluation of your business' existing Google Ads OR Facebook Ads account (chosen when you schedule the audit) and its overall performance to date. The valuable insights will be presented in a PDF document and will include actionable recommendations.

Additionally, you will receive a short, recorded screen share that will walk you through the findings of the audit. This is a great pulse-check on your account's strengths and weaknesses.

What you don't get

This service is an audit on ONE ad account—Facebook Ads or Google Ads. We will NOT perform any optimization nor directly implement any of our account/campaign recommendations.

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